Internet Promo Isn't All There is to Do
Back in the olden days, book signings, library talks, and postcard mailings were the major ways to promote.
Now, as Sunny pointed out, we have all this Internet stuff to do, and might I add one more: virtual blog tours. I'll be on one during the month of March. Believe me, they are a lot of work even though I didn't set up the tour myself.
But I'm not going to talk about that now, what I want to discuss is the in-person book launch. I've done one for each of my books and usually in my home town.
I've had them in various locations: used book store, recreation center, on the veranda of a coffee shop, the upstairs room at the Springville Inn, a gift shop, the back room of an antique store.
For Kindred Spirits I went all the way to Crescent City and had the launch in a wonderful bed and breakfast. I've blogged about that before, but it was wonderful.
For No Sanctuary my latest Rocky Bluff Crime Novel, I'm going to transform the Springville Baptist Church into a police station--well, at least give the illusion that's what it is. I'm decorating in yellow and black--colors of crime scene tape--and serving refreshments.
Anyone who'd like to come, it's on Saturday, February 28th, 11-4, at the Springville Baptist Church on Bogart Dr., at the top of the hill.
Wouldn't it be fun to see some one there who reads this blog?
If you have a book coming out, do think about a spot where you can have a book launch. Celebrating the birth of your book is a good idea for a party.
Labels: birth of a book, book launch, Springville Baptist Church