November 11, 2008

Team Sunny and Marilyn and Erle Stanley Gardner

Last Saturday, Sunny Frazier and I gave two presentations at the Erle Stanley Gardner Mystery Weekend, writers conference.

We were scheduled to give separate workshops, but decided it would be more fun to do them together. In the morning we talked about promotion and the fact that all publishers expect you to have a marketing plan, many wanting it submitted right along with your query.

In the afternoon we talked about alternate means of publication--covering submitting to agents and New York publishers, small press, electronic publishers--and Sunny gave a great talk about publishing on Kindle (Amazon's hand-held reader.)

I've been giving presentations for the Erle Stanley Gardner Mystery Weekend since it began. I love going to Temecula because I have two married grandchildren with families who live in the area. We spend one night with one and the second with the other.

I've been a fan of Erle Stanley Gardner for years beginning with reading Perry Mason when we lived in Oxnard (where many of those mysteries occur) and of course, watching the TV show. When I found the ESG Mystery weekend on the Internet, I knew I had to be a part of it.

I've also been a friend of Sunny's for a long while and we've given other joint or back-to-back presentations and I think we compliment one another. In any case, I think we both had fun and our audiences learned something.


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