September 17, 2008

More on Going to Conferences

I've always loved writer's conferences. These days I only go to those where I can give a workshop. But in the past I went to lots in order to learn. Even now, when I'm one of the presenters, I go to other workshops and still learn more.

One thing about the writing business is that things are constantly changing. Rules that were once thought to be unchanging have changed. Ways of querying and submitting manuscripts has greatly changed, with most publishing houses now wanting submissions sent electronically as attachments. (Always check each publisher's guidelines about this and do exactly what they ask.)

Tomorrow hubby and I are leaving for Taylorville IL and the Prose in the Park conference put on by Oak Tree Press. I'm giving two workshops. I know we'll have a great time because we're seeing a part of the country we've never been to before.

And of course, I must promote the Public Safety Writers Association (PSWA) conference which will be of particular help to anyone writing mysteries or anything about crime. But another plug is that we will have editors and at least one publisher and lots of opportunity for networking. Since it's in Las Vegas, it's one of the cheapest places for everyone to fly to. There is an early bird registration fee which runs out on September 30, so be sure to take advantage of that. All the information is at :



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