August 31, 2008

Field of Dreams

The Kings County Writers Support Group (AKA KC Writers) has gone through growing pains. For a decade this group has expanded and contracted, tried several meeting venues and worked our way through many manuscripts.

There is yet another evolution happening in our group. First, it was flyers for meetings. Then we designed group business cards to attract possible writers. We're finding our way in the blogging process. In short, we are developing an image. And, it's a good one. This can only happen when a group is cohesive.

Not every writing group reaches this level. They are content to quietly meet, read, critique and work on individual projects. But our writing group has taken a important step. We are strengthening our ties with the County Library. The library has been good to us. Now we intend to return the favor.

The Central Valley is an agricultural giant. However, this area has the reputation for being a cultural wasteland. Some of those people with negative impressions don't live in Los Angeles or San Francisco. They live right here. For a writer who believes there is a wealth of possibilities to write about in this region, the misconception hurts.

That's about to change (hopefully).

The Kings County Library has given me the opportunity to help put together a local authors program for 2008-2009. I'm contacting all of the authors I've connected with over the years, and some I hope to meet for the first time. The programs are free. Will the community take advantage of what is offered? With the price of gas high and people looking for more local entertainment, the library is banking on an increased interest in homegrown talent.

If you build it, will they come? Why can't Kings County be a Field of Dreams? Big cities aren't the only ones capable of offering literary experiences. There is so much talent waiting to be tapped in this Valley, it only takes a proactive group to bring it out. I think this group is ready to do our part.

I have a reason to invest in this endeavor. I'm a writer. I write about the Valley because it's what I know and love. What writers really want is an audience, a chance to show their stuff. The Write Stuff. The KC Writers are investing in their future by investing in the community. When they complete their manuscripts, they'll have an audience waiting. At least, that's the dream. Let's make it come true.

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At August 31, 2008 at 6:32 PM , Blogger Marilyn Meredith a.k.a. F. M. Meredith said...

Kings County is a great place. I love Hanford--some great restaurants and wonderful people.

One of their biggest assets is the library. I had the good fortune to give a talk at the library last year and had a great time.

At September 1, 2008 at 7:32 AM , Blogger June Rodriguez said...

I have grown to know and love this area too. I hope this brings more of us together. Welcome to the world of blogging.


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